Saturday, August 6, 2011


To address the problems of environment and
development holistically, the Ministry has enunciated
several policy instruments which takes into consideration
various cross-sectoral issues having a direct bearing on
conservation and sustainable uses of natural resources
including forestry and wildlife.
Biosphere Reserves
Biosphere Reserves are areas of terrestrial and
coastal ecosystems which are internationally recognized
within the framework of UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere
(MAB) Programme. These reserves are required to meet
a minimal set of criteria and adhere to a minimal set of
conditions before being admitted to the World Network
of Biosphere Reserve designated by UNESCO for
inclusion in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves.
The world’s major ecosystem types and landscapes are
represented in this network, which is devoted to
conserving biological diversity, promoting research and
monitoring as well as seeking to provide models of
sustainable development in the service of humankind.
[Biosphere Reserves, Conservation and Management of Wetlands, Mangroves
and Coral Reefs, Biodiversity Conservation, National Biodiversity Strategy and
Action Plan, Genetic Engineering Approval Committee, All India Coordinated
Project on Taxonomy, Assistance to Botanical Garden, Botanic Garden of
Indian Republic, Forest Conservation, Regional Offices of the Ministry, Forest
Policy, National Forest Commission, Integrated Forest Protection Scheme, Joint
Forest Management, Wildlife Conservation, National Board for Wildlife, National
Institute of Animal Welfare, Statutory Bodies - Animal Welfare Board of India,
Project Tiger, Project Elephant, Wildlife Institute of India, Central Zoo Authority,
National Zoological Park]
These reserves are rich in biological and cultural
diversity and encompass unique features of exceptionally
pristine nature. The goal is to facilitate conservation of
representative landscapes and their immense biological
diversity and cultural heritage, foster economic and human
development which is culturally and ecologically
sustainable and to provide support for research, monitoring,
education and information exchange. The scheme is a
pioneering effort at pursuing the increasingly difficult yet
urgent task of conserving ecological diversity under
mounting pressures.
The thirteen Biosphere Reserves set up in the
country so far not only aim to protect representative
ecosystem, but also serve as laboratories for evolving
alternative models of development. The Ministry provided
financial assistance to the respective State Governments
for conservation and management of these Biosphere
Reserves. Research and development projects were also
supported. On the basis of the proposal submitted by this
Ministry to the International Coordinating Council (ICC)
of Man and Biosphere Reserve (MAB) Programme of
UNESCO, three Biosphere Reserves; Sunderban (West
Bengal), Mannar (Tamil Nadu) and Nilgiri (Tamil Nadu)
have been included in the International Network of
Biosphere Reserves. Efforts are on for getting other
Biosphere Reserves included in the World Network of
Biosphere Reserves. This facilitates international
recognition and attracts additional funding in these sites.
The Ministry provided financial support to the
respective State Governments for management
interventions in the buffer zones of these biosphere
reserves based on the recommendations of the Indian
National MAB Committee. A number of research projects
have been completed during the year which provided
baseline data helpful in the scientific management of
these reserves. A number of new research projects were
also initiated during the year. A list of Biosphere Reserves
set up so far along with their area and location is given
in Table-3.
Identification of wetlands can be attributed to the
following three main factors, viz.
– When an area is permanently or periodically
– When an area supports hydrophytic vegetation
– When an area has hydric soils that are saturated or
flooded for a sufficiently long period to become
anaerobic in the upper layers.
On these criteria, Ramsar Convention defines
wetlands as areas of marsh or fen, peat-land or water,
whether artificial or natural, permanent or temporary,
with the water that is stastic or flowing, fresh, brackish
or salt including areas of marine water, the depth of
which at low tide does not exceed six meter. Mangroves,
corals, estuaries, bays, creeks, flood plains, sea grasses,
lakes etc are covered under this definition.
Taking into consideration deterioration of water
bodies, a programme on conservation of wetlands was
initiated in 1987 with the basic objective of assessment
of wetland resources, identification of wetlands of national
importance, promotion of R&D activities and formulation
and implementation of management action plans of the
identified wetlands, which are at present 27 covering 15
States. Under the management action plans for identified
wetlands, activities also includes survey and demarcation,
catchment area treatment, desiltation, weed control,
fisheries development, community participation, water
management, public awareness, pollution abatement, etc.
States Steering Committees have been constituted in all
the concerned States under the chairmanship of Chief
Secretary having members from various subject matter
departments relating to wetland conservation in the State.
Significant achievements during the year:
– Financial assistance increased from Rs. 5 crores to
6 crores
– The main focus for wetland conservation is now on
biological methods of conservation rather than of
adopting engineering options under the catchment
area treatment component.
Table - 3
List of operational Biosphere Reserves in the country
Sl.No. Name of Biosphere Reserve Date of Notification States
1. Nilgiri 01.08.1986 Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala
2. Nanda Devi 18.01.1986 Uttranchal
3. Nokrek 01.09.1988 Meghalaya
4. Great Nicobar 06.01.1989 Andaman and Nicobar Islands
5. Gulf of Mannar 18.02.1989 Tamil Nadu
6. Manas 14.03.1989 Assam
7. Sunderbans 19.03.1989 West Bengal
8. Similipal 21.06.1994 Orissa
9. Dibru-Saikhowa 28.07.1997 Assam
– The main thrust is on waterhshed management and
activities under this component is aimed at involving
close participation of stakeholders in order to cover
more conservation activities and also to see its
– Four new wetlands have been added to the national
list on recommendations of the Committee. New
wetlands are : East Calcutta and Sunder bans
wetland from West Bengal , Pt. Calimer from Tamil
Nad and Kottuli wetland from Kerala.
– Management action plans have been prepared for
twenty two wetlands out of twenty seven..
– Assistance released for conservation of Wetlands
to following States during the current financial year
:J&K (Wullar), Himachal Pradesh (Renuka,
Chandertal and Pong), Orissa (Chilka), Manipur
(Loktak), W.Bengal (East Calcutta & Sunderbans),
Tamil Nadu (Pt. Calimer) and Rajasthan (Sambhar),
Kottuli and Sashthamkotta (Kerala).
– Two more proposals received from Mizoram and
Sikkim for their inclusion in the national list which
is being processed.
– Four more research proposals approved for
assistance during this year.
Biodiversity Conservation
Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms
and the ecological complexes of which they are part,
including diversity within and between species and
ecosystems. Biodiversity has direct consumptive value in
food, agriculture, medicine, and in industry. India is one
of the 17 mega diverse countries which together possess
60 to 70% of the world’s Biodiversity. It is encouraging
to mention that India has taken over Presidency of the
Fig 31. Hydnocarpus pentandra (Buch. - Ham) - endemic to Western Ghats
Likeminded Megadiverse Group of countries on 19th
February, 2004 during the Ministerial meeting of the group
in Kuala Lumpur in the margins of COP-7 meeting of
Convention on Biological Diversity.
It may be worth mentioning that India ratified the
International Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) on 18th
February, 1994 and became party to the convention in
May, 94. The CBD is an international legal instrument
for promoting conservation and sustainable use of
Biological Diversity taking into account “the need to share
cost and benefit between developed and developing
countries and the ways and means to support innovation
by local people”. Till date, seven ordinary meetings of
the COP have been held of the seventh meeting was
held in Kuala Lampur from February 9-10, 2004. India
chaired one of the two working groups of the COP-7.
One important decisions taken by the parties was related
to Access and Benefit sharing as related to genetic
resources. It was resolved to evolve an International
regime on access to genetic resources and benefit sharing
with the aim of adopting an instrument / instruments to
effectively implement the provisions of CBD.
A scheme on biodiversity conservation was initiated
during 1991-92 to ensure coordination among various
agencies dealing with the issues related to conservation
of Biodiversity and to review, monitor and evolve
adequate policy instrument for the same. Important steps
taken during the year are as follows :
National Bio-diversity Strategy and Action
Plan (NBSAP)
A comprehensive project with the financial support
of UNDP-GEF was launched for producing a series of
planning documents relating to ecological security and
livelihood of people most dependent on natural resources.
The ultimate aim is to develop a national plan for
conservation of biodiversity and its sustainable use. A
consultative and participatory approach was adopted by
all the executing agencies. A draft National Action Plan
(NAP) has been prepared and circulated to more than
500 experts and organisations for comments. The
comments received were suitably incorporated and the
report revised.
A meeting of the Steering Committee under the
Chairmanship of Secretary (E&F) was held on January
29, 2004 in which the submission of the draft NAP report
to the Ministry was recommended. The Ministry, based
on this draft NAP, shall seek competent approval for a
possible National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
in line with the National Environment Policy which is
under formulation.
Biological Diversity Act, 2002
A National Biodiversity Authority has been set up
at Chennai vide Gazette Notification dated October 1,
2003 under the Act. The Act also provides for
establishment of State level Boards and Local level
Biodiversity Management Committees to deal with any
matter concerning conservation of biological Diversity,
its sustainable use and fair and equitable sharing of
benefits arising out of the use of Biological resources
and associated knowledge.
The Genetic Engineering Approval
Committee (Biosafety Regulatory
Framework in India)
The Ministry has also initiated measures for streamlining
the regulatory procedures for Genetically Modified
Organisms (GMOs) in India under 1989 Rules. In this
context the Ministry has constituted a task force on
Recombinant Pharma Sector under the chairmanship of
R.A. Mashelkar, DG, CSIR for streamlining the procedures
for Pharma industry.
It has also been decided to hold the GEAC Meeting
every month. The GEAC has recently approved
commercial release of RCH 2 Bt. Cotton hybrid developed
by M/s Rasi Seeds Pvt. Ltd. for the Central and
South zones. The GEAC has also recommended large
scale trials of a number of Bt. Cotton hybrids developed
by various companies.
Forest Conservation
Till March 2004, the Ministry received 14,621
proposals from the State/Union Territories for getting
approval under the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 for
diversion of forest land for non-forestry purpose. The status
of these proposals are as under:-
I. Number of Proposals Received: 14621
(a) Finally Approved 9435
(b) Stage-I Approved 1158
(c) Rejected (on merit) 1414
II. Closed for non furnishing of information
by Stages/UT’s 1683
III. Returned to State/UT’s 191
IV. Withdrawn by State/UT’s 100
V. Proposal under process in the Ministry 277
VI. Proposal pending with State Government
For want of additional information 363
Some of the other major activities / achievements
of the Forest conservation division during the year include:
General Guidelines issued under Forest
(Conservation) Act, 1980 have been revised.
To promote investment in power sector “Wind Energy
Policy” under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 has
been put into place.
In conformity with the National Forest Policy, 1988
and to provide boost to the development of tribal
areas, new guidelines for “Development projects in
tribal areas” have also been formulated and one time
clearance has been granted for public utility
development projects like drinking water, electricity
The period of general approval under section – 2 of
Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for public utility
development projects has been extended upto 15/10/
A road map has been provided to the State/UT
Government to expedite action for conversion of
forest villages into revenue villages.
Guidelines have been issued for regularization/
recognition of tribal rights on forest lands.The
implementation of these Guidelines have been stayed
by the Hon’ble Supreme Court vide their order dated
23.2.2004 in IA No. 1126 of 2004 in Writ Petition (C)
No. 202 of 1995.
A Monitoring Cell has been created for data base
management, up-dating the website for Forestry
Clearance, monitoring the movement of proposals in
Fig 39. Saussurea obvallata an ethno-religious herb (State flower of
Uttaranchal) found in the alpine regions of Himalaya
the State and at the Central Government level and
also to monitor the compliance of the stipulated
conditions of the approved cases.
Wildlife Conservation
Various activities relating to wild life conservation
and implementation of the Wild Life (Protection) Act,
1972 were carried out by the Ministry during the year.
The details are as follows:
Enforcement of Wildlife (Protection) Act,
1972 and Export- Import Policy
The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, the provisions
of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species (CITES) and Export and Import Policy of India
were continued to be enforced through the offices of the
Regional Deputy Directors of Wildlife Preservation located
at Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta and Chennai with the help of
State Wildlife Department, the State Police Departments,
the Customs Departments, Border Security Force (BSF)
and Coast-Guards. The Regional Deputy Directors
detected several cases of poaching and illegal trade in
wildlife products during the year.
During the year ban on export of 29 species of
plant, plant portions and their derivatives obtained from
wild were continued. Export of six species of exotic
birds was continued subject to pre shipment inspection
and CITES permit wherever required.
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972
The various amendments made to the Wildlife
(Protection) Act, 1972 came into force from 1st April
2003 except for the provision relating to constitution of
National Board for Wildlife.
National Board for Wildlife (NBWL)
As per the provisions of the Wild Life (Protection)
Act, 1972 as amended in 2002, the National Board for
Wild Life was constituted vide notification dated 21st
September, 2003. The first meeting of the NBWL was
held on 15th October, 2003 under the chairmanship of
Hon’ble Prime Minister. The Standing Committee of the
NBWL was also constituted and has met twice on 24th
December 2003 & 18th March 2004 to discuss important
aspects related to wildlife.
Development of National Parks and
There are 92 National Parks and 500 Wildlife
Sanctuaries in the country covering an area of 15.67
million hectares. During the year, financial assistance for
Development of National Parks and Sanctuaries has been
provided to 269 National Parks and Sanctuaries in 28
states including north-eastern states. During the year
2003-2004 Rs. 43.19 crores have been released. Under
this scheme 100% central assistance is provided for nonrecurring
item of expenditure for both national parks and
sanctuaries. 50% assistance is also provided for recurring
items of expenditure in case of national parks where the
State Government provides 50% of matching share.
Further, protected areas in mountains, deserts and coastal
regions supporting large population of endangered species
like Snow leopard, Red Panda, Rhino, Sangai deer, Pharys’
leaf monkey, Musk Deer, Hangul, Great Indian Bustard,
Chinkara and Black buck, are eligible for 100% central
assistance for both, recurring and non recurring item of
Project Tiger
“Project Tiger” was launched in 1973 with an
objective “to ensure maintenance of a viable population
of tigers in India for scientific, economic, aesthetic,
cultural and ecological values, and to preserve for all
times, areas of biological importance as a national heritage
for the benefit, education and enjoyment of the people”.
The Project has been successfully implemented,
and at present there are 281 Tiger Reserves in 17 states,
covering an area of 37761 sq. km
Project Elephant was launched in February, 1992
to assist states having free ranging populations of wild
elephants to ensure long term survival of identified viable
populations of elephants in their natural habitats. The
project is being implemented in 12 states, viz. Andhra
Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Jharkhand,
Karnataka, Kerala, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa,
Tamilnadu, Uttaranchal and West Bengal. States are being
given financial as well as technical assistance in achieving
the objectives of the project. Help is also provided to
other states with small populations of elephants for the
purpose of census, training of field staff and mitigation
of human-elephant conflict.
Main Activities of Project Elephant
– Strengthening of measure for protection of wild
elephants from poachers.
– Development of scientific and planned management
for conservation of elephant habitats and viable
population of wild Asiatic elephants in India.
– Ecological restoration of existing natural habitats
and migratory routes of elephants.
– Promotion of measures for mitigation of manelephant
conflict in problem areas and moderating
pressures of human and live stock on crucial
elephant habitats.
– Eco-development.
– Veterinary care.
– Research on elephant issues relating to elephant
– Public education and awareness programme and
– Capacity building of field staff, mahouts and
Wildlife Institute of India
The Wildlife Institute of India (WII) was established
in 1982 under the Ministry of Agriculture and subsequently
brought under the Ministry of Environment and Forests.
The mandate of the Institute is to impart training, carry
out research and advise on matter of conservation and
management of wildlife. Wildlife Institute of India is an
autonomous institute of the Ministry, with a 48 member
WII Society headed by the Union Minister for
Environment & Forests as the apex body

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